WHAT IS Work for the dole?
Work for the Dole (WfD) is a Government initiative to assist those with little-to-no work experience gain some much needed skills and to allow them to experience what it is like to be in a workplace.
WfD activities are run by local stakeholders and generally go for 4 weeks for volunteers participants and 8 weeks for participants with mandatory requirements.
The activity is hosted for around 15 hours per week dependent on the participants requirements, the participants are those who are involved in our Workforce Australia or Transition to Work (TtW) employment programs.
HOW does it work
We’re always on the look out for local businesses or stakeholders to host a Work for the Dole activity. :
- To hold a WfD activity there is no cost to your business and participants are covered by our insurance.
- Participants volunteer for the activity with the hope of gaining employment or further experience upon completion.
- If an activity requires certifications, Workways will pay for any relevant licenses, checks and PPE prior to a participant commencing the activity with you.
Examples of activities
There are many different activities that you can hold through Work for the Dole. Each will help participants develop the skills that get them work ready. Some examples include:
- Gardening and maintenance works
- Conservation or environmental tasks
- Retail work
- Hospitality services
- Office administration
- Warehouse duties
- Light Construction
- Design
Workplace Assessment
Prior to holding the activity, a risk assessment will need to be conducted of your workplace as well as one for the participant.
We keep in contact with our participants and host workplaces throughout the process to ensure everything runs smoothly.
When completing a Work for the Dole activity, the participants are required to be fully supervised at all times.
Becoming a Work for the Dole Host Organisation:
- Work for the Dole activities can only be hosted by not-for-profit organisations and local, state, territory and Australian Government Agencies. Host organisations provide work experience activities for participants in a supervised and safe work environment.
- To apply to become a host organisation, contact Workways on 1800 631 196 or fill out the General Enquiry form below to express your interest.