

Customer Success: Chelsea’s Story

When Chelsea joined our ParentsNext program in November 2019, she was juggling parenting an active three year old with the demands of returning to education or the workforce.


Chelsea had completed Year 11 at high school and had also completed a Cert III in Business Administration, although she hadn’t yet received her certification. She was keen to start her career in Administration as soon as possible.


Upon investigation, our ParentsNext team discovered that Chelsea’s education had not been recognised as a legitimate course, despite the work and effort she had put in. The RTO that had delivered the course had been de-registered and records weren’t able to be obtained.


Feeling demotivated, Chelsea was eventually encouraged and supported by Workways to return to her goal and continue her education through the Ashley Institute of Training.


In 2022, she successfully commenced employment as an Administration Assistant with a community healthcare provider, who were also supported with a wage subsidy. Chelsea gained important work experience as part of her role but due to a restructure in February this year following the loss of a major contract, Chelsea’s role was made redundant.


With a strong motivation to return to the workforce and support her now two children, Chelsea applied for an administration role with the Workways Beenleigh team. Manager Ashlee advised that right from the first contact, Chelsea’s phone manner, attitude and professional approach showed that she was the right fit for the team and the job.


Chelsea is now an integral part of our Beenleigh team and continues to kick goals in both her education and employment.